
Archive for December, 2010

As we close the door on this year and a new one opens for 2011, I am happy to share with you the word that the SCKR has published our first online issue of the Journal of the South Carolina Kyudo Renmei. More about it can be found at http://sckrjournal.org/

We hope that you will find it beneficial.

Happy New Year to ALL!

EDIT: Corrected URL to http://sckrjournal.org/

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Blackwell sensei pointed out to me the other day that I had not posted to my blog in quite some time. I am happy to say, there is good reason. There is a project on the horizon which I have been fully absorbed in, along with my Kyudo, for the past year. I expect an announcement of that soon. I hope you will check back for news of it!

But, back to matters at hand. I have been told everything happens for a reason in this life. People walk into our lives and just as mysteriously they disappear. As one leaves, another enters and we learn from each experience.

In a strange series of “coincidences”, I have had the pleasure of crossing paths with former Olympic archery coach, Don Rabska. We have had a lot of interesting conversations via email. You might ask, “What could a western style archer teach us about Kyudo?” As it turns out, if it’s Don Rabska, a lot! During the course of one of these discussions, the term “canting” came up. This was a new term for me, as applied to archery.

Canting is defined as, “Angular deviation from a vertical or horizontal plane or surface; an inclination or slope. A slanted or oblique surface.” As a mudan, I recall noting that when some kyudoka would transition from ushiokoshi through hikiwake and into kai, the yumi did not keep the nice vertical line. After Don’s mention of canting, further research lead me to the Texas State Archery Association’s Newsletter, where A.Ron Carmichael covered this subject. The article is well worth reading. In it he explains some of the causes of canting and the effect it will have on your shot. You will have to take into consideration that it is for a different style of archery, but much of it applies equally to Kyudo.

The first step to overcoming the problem is realizing it is a problem. Mr. Carmichael points out in one of his final statements, “If the archer has never been told about her or his canting, chances are they simply are not aware of the cant and once made aware that it is happening AND that it is not a thing to do, they will then be able to search for why.” Canting is highly visible, even to the novice. Luckily, it seems that it is one of the easier problems to resolve. So, just as we strive to keep the vertical line in dozukuri, be aware and also maintain the vertical line of the yumi, as well.

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